Day by Day cartoon

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I saw a surfer tonight- on the Weber river!

Tonight, my class quit early and so I was home and having dinner with the family by 6pm. Noah grilled up some steaks that were ready as I pulled into the driveway and there was salad and a baked tater too.

So we had a nice dinner, all of us and afterwards the BSU & I gathered up Sandy dog for her overdue trip to the PetSmart for her nail trimming. Sandy needs her nails trimmed every month but sometimes that month stretches into 5 weeks or 6 and then it gets critical. It was time tonight for the trimming.

The three of us headed out, got the trimming accomplished with absolutely no squirming, picked out a new set of nail cutters for the cat to replace the missing set and headed back home. The sun had come out, finally, this afternoon and it was a beautiful evening. And I thought a trip to the kayaker water park in the river might be fun for all of us. We drove over to the road end and followed the path up to where the water play park had been excavated in the river last fall. Imagine my surprise when the first person I saw playing in the waves was not a kayaker but a surfer!

There was about 8 folks all playing in the waves but only one of them was standing on a surfboard! The way the river is dug, there is a standing wave about 3 or 4 feet high and 20 feet long in the river. The wave's tall enough to support that surfer and he was able to move that board back and forth accross that wave just like he was in the ocean. The boaters all took their turns riding that wave, turning in and out of it with varying degrees of success and it was good fun watching them.

The BSU enjoyed the short walk but thought the folks in the water were just too scary. On the way home then, we stopped for root beer floats. Since Sandy wasn't allowed inside the KFC, I bought her a take out box of Popcorn Chicken for a treat.

It was a really pleasant trip all 'round.

PS I trimmed the cat's nails tonight with the new clippers. When I went to put them in the drawer where the last pair lived- I found the old pair! Of course...

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